"I was at the edge about to commit suicide" - Ameer Real Life Stories

October 8, 2020
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I met Fiona while I was mourning the loss of my 2 cats, they were involved in an accident, and it cost the lives of both of my babies.

I met Fiona while I was mourning the loss of my 2 cats,

they were involved in an accident, and it cost the lives of both of my babies. For many years, I was unhappy with the career that I had, a job that's about to tank. On top of that, I lost my 2 cats at that time, it felt like everything wasn't right. I was at the edge, about to commit suicide. Not until I met Fiona, it sparked a little tiny hope in me.

I remember it clearly, when I met her on that day,

it was gloomy and raindrops pouring sprinkly. I was at the bus station, waiting for my ride. Fiona walked towards me and started circling around my feet and head-butting me. My natural instinct told me to bend over and pat on her, which I did. The actions she did remind me of the good old times I have with my 2 cats; I was happy for once after so long.

My ride was about to arrive;

I picked Fiona up and carried her home with me. That's how my Rom-Com with Fiona started. She is my lucky star. I moved across the state and started a new life and a new job with her. It wasn't easy without my family members, but I knew I could do it because Fiona is with me. I am now much happier, I date someone who cares for my cat and me, I can finally say it out loud, I am delighted. Thank you, Fiona, for coming into my life.


当天下着毛毛雨,我在巴士站等着交通。Fiona 往我这儿走过来在我的脚边巡回几圈,见她这么可爱我就陪他玩一会儿。她让我想起了我去世的两只猫咪快乐的时光,过了那么多事情这是我第一次感到快乐。见到我的车即将要到达,我想都没想就把她抱起来带她回家 😂

Fiona是我的守护天使;遇见她, 我鼓起勇跨洲开始新的工作,虽然家人都不在身边,但是因为有了Fiona,我告诉我自己 ”我行的“ ”我一定可以办到“。我现在感到快乐,而且我也遇见爱我与Fiona的人。 我非常的感激Fiona走进我生活里。


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