πŸš€ UPDATES - PetotumBIZ Inventory & Create New Invoice

Shifa Azahar
November 2, 2021
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Our focus in last few weeks is to improve productivity for petcare in an effort to make Petotum the best petcare platform on the planet! 🌎 πŸ’œο»Ώ

Hey Everyone! Here's an update on the last few weeks:


Inventory & Create New Invoice:

Petcare/ vet can create an item inventory & new invoice to pet parents. Payment can be done via cash or online ο»ΏπŸ”₯ο»Ώ


Request Cancellation & Refund:

We make it easier for pet parents and also petcare to request a refund to Petotum via one single button. 😎


Edit booking date & time:

Petcare can change booking date & time to serve pet parent better. ο»Ώβœ…

In our continued effort to make PetotumBIZ & PetotumVET the most reliable petcare management platform, we took extra focus this week on eliminating hundreds of bugs in the platform! 🚫 🦠 Here's a quick rundown on some of the top fixes:



Pet grooming module

-FIXED: Pet Grooming Booking: status flow

-FIXED: Pet Grooming: Duration didn't appear on the Pet Grooming Dashboard

-FIXED: Pet Grooming Setting: No of staff grooming staff and no of grooming area appeared as 'Choose' and can't be edited

-FIXED: Pet Grooming Setting: Unable to change pet size for Pet Grooming package


Pet Hotel Module

-FIXED: Pet Hotel Booking: Unable to upload media to send update

-FIXED: Pet Care able to click Γ‡heck-in' button before the check-in date

-FIXED: Registration: Tick selection crop

-FIXED: Discover Service & Pet Parent portal

-FIXED: Filter: Service type default to Pet Hotel

-FIXED: Checkout: Hide button (mobile only) while user key-in personal details

-FIXED: Pet parent booking: Deceased pet appear (need hide during booking)

-FIXED: Pet Parent Review: Need to review twice (Current: Review, login, re-review)

-FIXED: Discover service: The pet grooming column is not the same as the rest

-FIXED: Payment: Able to pay invoice 0 amount and appear as negative value once paid

-FIXED: New Payment failed UI


Petcare Portal

-FIXED: Petcare registration: Error upon registering new branch account

-FIXED: Petcare registration: No email notification to operation upon new business registration

-FIXED: PetotumBIZ Staff Login: Need to be able to delete pending invite

-FIXED: Pet & hotel grooming: Add service - Make compulsory to select at least 1 'Feature Details'

-FIXED: Grooming Booking Capacity: The full capacity is 60%

-FIXED: Pet care dashboard: Pet picture icons are distorted for activity updates

-FIXED: Pet care dashboard : Random line appear on navigation menu

-FIXED: Pet hotel capacity: For future date, in-boarding does not reflect in the capacity

-FIXED: Pet Parent Profile: pet list should go to pet record

-FIXED: Company name is not updated in Pet Parent coupon list

-FIXED: Pet care dashboard: Line below latest transaction and latest activity are not aligned

-FIXED: Pet profile - booking history (Pet care view): For completed appointment, able to click on reschedule button, select date and submit date but no changes

-FIXED: Pet profile - booking history (Pet care view): Able to delete completed appointment

-FIXED: Pet profile - booking history (Pet care view): When pet care deleted paid appointment, there is no indicator from admin to refund the payment

-FIXED: Pet Size: System prompted to fill Grooming size Setting when user select the default size


Vet Module

-FIXED: Vet appointment: Filter View in tab is too small

-FIXED: Vet module: create new appointment at pet profile

-FIXED: Clinic Records: Medical notes alignment changed to center during editing

And many more... πŸ›


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