Petcare Service

Desa Aman Puri

Kuala Lumpur

Book trusted pet care services who’ll treat your pets like family.

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Book a local & trusted pet care service in

Desa Aman Puri

Kuala Lumpur

Connect with pet care services near you who offer vet clinic, pet hotel & pet grooming. Book and pay securely. More >

Online Booking

Make your booking online via our website or app

Petotum offers vet clinic,

pet boarding,

pet grooming service in

Desa Aman Puri

Kuala Lumpur

. Enjoy seamless

booking experience with

Petotum's easy online booking system.

pet grooming booking
payment gateway

Online support

Worry free

Petotum will help you with your booking while you enjoy your coffee and relax with your feet up.

Ready to get started with Petotum?

Tell us a little about you and your pet to get the ball rolling.

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